
Start Up Business Grants For Women

Today there are many people who have a dream of starting their own businesses, and many of these are women. For a number of these people the cost and expenses involved in beginning a business and getting it up and running has been a huge stumbling block from the very beginning. A business can be extremely profitable and rewarding, but without the necessary resources at the beginning, it can be a very challenging process.

If you are a woman and you are interested in starting an enterprise of your own the good news is that there are some government business grants are available to help you put your plans into action. You can qualify for these grants and be given the money that you need to make your dreams of owning your own business a reality. These funds are available and ready to be claimed and now you can be one of the lucky ones who is awarded one of these pots of gold to use for business related activities.

Business grants do not have to be paid back and you can use the funds from these resources to help you cover the expenses of any type of company that you are beginning. The money can be used for supplies, advertising, equipment, or even to pay your expenses, and those of any employees, at the very beginning of your business venture. The grants can provide you with the financial help needed to cover the extra bills that are being created while your business grows.

The government is one of the best places to look for business grants for women and other minorities. Many people who really want to start a business have not discovered this resource, or they may think that it is very difficult to fill out the applications. The surprising truth is that there are a number of grants available to females who want to become business owners and the application process is very quick and easy. The government wants to encourage small businesses and especially those that are being started by women.

There are a number on online sites that will be great resources for you to use in your efforts to obtain the financing needed for your business ventures. To find the right ones will take you only a little effort and the monetary rewards can be huge. You can even narrow your focus by searching only for those government business grants for women. With one or more of these grants in your pocket, the start up costs for your business can all be handled and you will not owe any money to anyone. These grants are not loans, they are start up revenues that are being available to encourage female entrepreneurs, and there is no money to pay back. If filling out the paperwork seems to be overwhelming to you, have someone else assist you with this task.

Women who are going to be owners of a business will find that some of these business grants are specifically listed for them. An owner is someone who owns 51%, or more, of a business. This means that you can have business partners who are male or female, and still qualify for some of these government business grants. Not only can you use these financial bonuses to begin a business, you can get a government grant to help you obtain the education needed to create a business. Having the government assist you in building a business of your own is one of the best ways possible of becoming your very own boss.

You may be wondering what does it take to qualify for grants, and you will be surprised to find out that billions of dollars in available resources are ready to be claimed by everyday, average people. If you are a US citizen, and a taxpayer, then you are eligible to claim a grant for your business dreams and desires. It does not matter if you have good credit, poor credit or even bad credit. This is money that is available to any female as long as you meet the specific grant criteria. The government is not alone in this endeavor; there are also business grants available that are provided by many private companies and foundations.

Having a way to find a grant is an important first step and can provide you with the one solid way of getting your business up and running quickly. There is some work involved in the grant application process but with a little effort, you can be rewarded by enough money to easily get your entire business idea operational. You can even qualify and win a number of different grants, and unlike loans, these never have to be repaid. The government is eager to help new small businesses get started because it is good for the economy. You can find some good information about government business grants online, but research the site carefully at the beginning.

Grants.gov is one of the places that you can use to begin your search and you will find a lot of good information at this location. You can use the site to search for different grants and find advice and help that will explain the grant application process. There is advanced searching capabilities at this site that will let you search for grants according to keywords, agencies, or categories. An additional bonus is that there is also information on how to check the status of your own application.

You will find help at Foundationcenter.org; this is another site that assists in a search for government business grants for women. This site lists numerous government and privately funded grants that are available for the asking. It is always best to apply for several business grants, and this will definitely increase your chances of awards. There are even sites that you can find that will send you e-mails whenever new information or grants are being listed.

Every year, the government--local, state, and federal--gives away millions of dollars to people just like you for business ideas. Leon Edward shares information on government funding, Federal, State ,Local Grants , where to find start up business grants, sources, how best to fill out applications, grant management step by step tips, setting up a business steps at his website

Learn where to find money for funding starting a business, grant sources, grant programs. Our onsite free information will walk you through step by step setting up a business as research required , business types, business plan, start up costs, business liscence, taxes, funding. Grant Programs and sources include Government Grant Money as Federal grants, State grants , Local grants, Federal assistance, grants.gov and Development Offices. Learn the Business Grants Step Management and 'know how' to spend your time, proposed business clarity, know your business needs, know how to avoid sccams. Learn online step by step How To Write A Grant Application including how to write a business proposal, the summary, grant justification, project description, budge, qualification proof, outsourcing if needed.

Get A Free Legitimate Home Based Business Report , Internet Business Ideas and Free Internet Business Library with Online Business Ideas, Free Training Newsletter at Leons Home Business Website

Leon Edward Helps people to start, grow legitimate Internet Based home business income with business structure, small business legal service information, step by step guides and online business training articles, reviews, marketing blog and newsletter... with legitimate business ideas and opportunities as top BBB rated home businesses, turnkey internet business, a 3 steps to internet income business proven mlms, even a start free work at home program


Small Business Owners Can Get Affordable Self Employed Health Insurance - Here is How

Do you own your own business or plan to? Do you work out of the comfort of

your own home? Are you self employed? If so, there is probably one thing

weighing heavily on your mind each and every day you work for yourself; I

need healthcare insurance at an affordable price. How do you obtain that

affordable self employed health insurance? Well, most employees receive

medical insurance from their employer but since you are your own employer it

can be difficult to find the right health insurance coverage with low

premiums. Never sacrifice quality and service for low prices. If you are

looking for affordable health insurance you should consider organizations

that have a strong reputation; not companies that you have never heard of


Everyone needs medical health care insurance , whether you are working for a

major corporation or if you are working for yourself. If you are working for

yourself then you more than likely would like to have affordable health

insurance rates, not insurance that will break the bank. People that are self

employed and don't have health care insurance is a larger group of people

than those that are self employed with insurance. A lot of self employed

people find it very difficult to pay the premiums for their own medical

health insurance plan because there aren't any discounts involved. Many

companies are able to obtain discounts on premiums for their employees

because the company is purchasing health insurance in one lump sum.

You have probably looked at more than a handful of health care insurance

plans if you are self employed. This can be quite a daunting task and can

take hours on end to complete all of the research required to find the right

health insurance provider. There are discount card programs or a la carte

coverage offered by insurance providers today. Some of these options can be

can be extremely expensive for people that are self employed.

So what can you do if you are self employed and need medical care insurance?

A new trend developing in the world of self employment is people within the

same industry banding together to form somewhat of a union. Say for example

freelance writers. If you are a freelance writer working for yourself, band

together with other freelance writers to negotiate insurance prices with

insurance providers. Doing this could get you and your peers lower rates on

health insurance plans because you are applying for it in large groups.

If you were employed with a company before becoming self employed, more often

than not your hmo insurance coverage from that job will last for six more

months before you are removed from the company's insurance plan. If you

become self employed, there is an option you can look towards when searching

for health insurance. That option is short term medical insurance. Short term

health insurance lasts anywhere from six to 12 months at a time and not any

longer than that.

If you know that you will be self employed for a certain amount of time, sign

up for short term health care insurance. Maybe you are dating someone at the

time and are planning on getting married in a year. Once you are married you

can be covered on the health insurance policy of your spouse while still

running your own self employment business. So, if you have your life planned

out and know that your future spouse will have medical coverage insurance,

your best bet would be to sign up for short term health insurance. This can

cost you less money than a full-time health insurance plan since it lasts for

a shorter amount of time.

Believe it or not, some companies will allow you to stay on their health plan

for longer than most companies if you leave on good terms. So, if you made a

good impression on your company and your boss, ask him or her if you can stay

on the health insurance plan for longer than normal. This can help you stay

covered with health insurance even while you are self employed. It will also

help you pay the premiums, which will be significantly less than paying for

health insurance on your own.

Paying for your own health insurance can be costly, especially if you have

any pre existing conditions like asthma, heart disease, or any other medical

conditions. Providers might not want to cover a person of your medical

condition because you are not working with a company.

Finding the right health insurance provider, as mentioned earlier, can be

quite a daunting task and a long task. Once you perform the proper research

on each available company, narrow the choices down to your top five. Ask your

peers in the self employment industry you are working in about the companies

you are interested in to see if anyone uses one of those companies.

Don't forget; don't sacrifice quality and excellent coverage for lower prices

on premiums. Don't let the health insurance companies take advantage of you

either. If you conduct the proper research and take the time to investigate

each company, you should be satisfied with your results.

Leon Edward promotes Established Affordable Self Employed Health Insurance where Everyones accepted at www.selfemployedhealthinsuranceit.com

Every year, the government--local, state, and federal--gives away millions of dollars to people just like you for business ideas. Leon Edward shares information on government funding, Federal, State ,Local Grants , where to find start up business grants, sources, how best to fill out applications, grant management step by step tips, setting up a business steps at his website

Learn where to find money for funding starting a business, grant sources, grant programs. Our onsite free information will walk you through step by step setting up a business as research required , business types, business plan, start up costs, business liscence, taxes, funding. Grant Programs and sources include Government Grant Money as Federal grants, State grants , Local grants, Federal assistance, grants.gov and Development Offices. Learn the Business Grants Step Management and 'know how' to spend your time, proposed business clarity, know your business needs, know how to avoid sccams. Learn online step by step How To Write A Grant Application including how to write a business proposal, the summary, grant justification, project description, budge, qualification proof, outsourcing if needed.

Get A Free Legitimate Home Based Business Report , Internet Business Ideas and Free Internet Business Library with Online Business Ideas, Free Training Newsletter at Leons Home Business Website

Leon Edward Helps people to start, grow legitimate Internet Based home business income with business structure, small business legal service information, step by step guides and online business training articles, reviews, marketing blog and newsletter... with legitimate business ideas and opportunities as top BBB rated home businesses, turnkey internet business, a 3 steps to internet income business proven mlms, even a start free work at home program



Starting A Internet Business - Be Aware of Get Rich Quick Business Myths

Of the numerous myths out there the ones that we as business men and women need to pay the most attention are the many ‘get rich quick’ schemes and emails such as those claiming to allow you to get rich if you just send one dollar to the three people previous to you on the list etc. – it is difficult to understand how or why someone would start a chain letter like this since any hope they had of gaining funds would require that they make themselves available to prosecution for the pyramid scheme on which the concept is based by having their mailing address in the email, but the fact that so many people not only read the emails but indeed do send off money ‘just to see’ tells us a lot about the gullibility of people and the inherent desire to make money without really having to work at it.

There is not such a thing as a free lunch … at the very least someone has to be paying for it and ignoring this truth will only cause you pain and trouble. The easiest way to discern if a business email is a lie is whether it promises you unheard of returns for very little to no work or involvement – if it’s too good to be true it is.

Every year, the government--local, state, and federal--gives away millions of dollars to people just like you for business ideas. Leon Edward shares information on government funding, Federal, State ,Local Grants , where to find start up business grants, sources, how best to fill out applications, grant management step by step tips, setting up a business steps at his website

Learn where to find money for funding starting a business, grant sources, grant programs. Our onsite free information will walk you through step by step setting up a business as research required , business types, business plan, start up costs, business liscence, taxes, funding. Grant Programs and sources include Government Grant Money as Federal grants, State grants , Local grants, Federal assistance, grants.gov and Development Offices. Learn the Business Grants Step Management and 'know how' to spend your time, proposed business clarity, know your business needs, know how to avoid sccams. Learn online step by step How To Write A Grant Application including how to write a business proposal, the summary, grant justification, project description, budge, qualification proof, outsourcing if needed.

Get A Free Legitimate Home Based Business Report , Internet Business Ideas and Free Internet Business Library with Online Business Ideas, Free Training Newsletter at Leons Home Business Website

Leon Edward Helps people to start, grow legitimate Internet Based home business income with business structure, small business legal service information, step by step guides and online business training articles, reviews, marketing blog and newsletter... with legitimate business ideas and opportunities as top BBB rated home businesses, turnkey internet business, a 3 steps to internet income business proven mlms, even a start free work at home program



Start Up Business Myths and Legitimate Home Businesses

To give you an example and discuss a few of the many myths that cloud the concept of starting a small business let’s go over five of the most common myths that typically surround the small business owner and discuss their merits and the facts in each instance.

First and foremost it is important not to listen to too much of the negative statistics and fear-mongering that commonly are thrown about because just as hearing ‘the odds of successfully negotiation an asteroid field’ for a common pilot don’t necessarily apply to certain skilled Star Wars hero’s so also may those statistics of people who didn’t do their homework or research their market not apply to you. In short many of the things you will hear and run into are not facts – they are urban legends, misconceptions about starting a business that have been repeated so often now that many people believe them to be true even when they ought to know better.

There is free money available to help you start your business

If you have never heard this old saying before turn on the old memory chip, “There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. TANSTAAFL.” If something sounds too good to be true it not only probably is I can guarantee you it is! Our government only gives away money to foreign interests with whom they feel they can buy loyalty or concessions – not to their citizens. While it may be true that some state governments have policies in place to help people such as veterans, minorities or people with disabilities those special programs have very specific requirements that you have to meet before you are eligible. If someone claims otherwise, especially if they want to charge you a fee for a ‘list of lenders and free grant providers’ run do not walk away from them!

The Small Business Administration has millions of dollars of money available to loan directly to small business

The SBA is an independent agency of the executive branch of the federal government, and as discussed previously the government is not in the habit of giving anything away. That includes loans, believe it or not! The SBA is a great resource for small businesses, and does act as a guarantor for one of three different loan programs that can be of use to the small business owner, but they themselves do not provide or arrange for the loans.

The three loans they act as guarantors for include the Seven-A (7a), the Five-O-Four (504) and the Seven-M (7m) or “micro-loan” as it is known. Some details about these different loans which the SBA will guarantee and oversee compliance with for small businesses follow for your benefit:

 The 7(a) program is a flexible lending program which allows qualified small businesses to obtain financing in certain instances if they have been turned down through traditional channels.
 The 504 loan helps small businesses with fixed-rate, long-term financing for equipment, property or machinery needed for expansion or modernization.
 The 7(m) program aimed at both small business and not-for-profit child-care centers provides short-term financing for working capital and the purchase of inventory, supplies, furniture, fixtures, machinery and equipment.

What the SBA does in these types on situations is to help arrange financing through various lending partners including local banks and nonprofit corporations and to oversee compliance on the part of the small business with the loan terms, thus assuring to the lenders that the loan will be repaid.

People are lining up to loan money to startup companies

Venture capitalists DO exist, and while in some cases they have been known to finance startup companies that is not what they principally do, nor would it be wise to do so. Since a venture capitalist entire purpose of investing into a company is to make money and more then half of the startup companies created every year go belly-up just leaving that money in the bank earning 5% would do a better job them financing startup companies hand-over fist.

One of the rules of thumb that investors use is that a good three year track record needs to be in place, along with a great business plan and the potential at least for robust growth before they are willing to put their hard-earned money on the table. If you can show a great strategy with strong growth potential and have a product or service with a national client base that has so far been untapped you may be able to get them to bend a little – but the thought that investors are actively looking for someone to give their cash to is definitely an urban legend!

Starting your own business allows you freedom to choose your working hours

Only someone who has never had a job like raising kids, or farming that has tasks to be done whether you are sick or not would ever come up with a saying like this, and yet it is one of the most common business-owner myths out there. Unless you have so much money that you don’t need your business to succeed any ‘freedom’ you have will be going right out the window the moment you open your small business or shop! You may have a bit more flexibility in the scheduling of your free time, but starting a small business will definitely cut into that free time if you plan on making it a success.

There are many write-offs you can take on things you otherwise can’t write off

The IRS and the government do NOT give away money. Remember that – that is the reason for myth number one and two above, and unless you enjoy being audited it’s never a good idea to write off any expenses not 100% related to your business endeavors even if they are used in relation to the business as well as your personal life. The best rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether or not you would still have this expense (say your car for instance) if you were not running the small business, and if so in any form or fashion then it is not a legitimate write-off.

Some common write-offs which are normally allowable include any computer and business software, rent, salaries and monies paid to independent contractors, advertising costs and even a percentage of vehicle costs if its use can be tied to the business in question. In some cases strict rules apply, such as whether you use the computer for personal use as well as business etc. so checking the law first is a good idea!

As the business owner you can set your own salary

Remember that caveat that keeps coming up about TANSTAAFL, the lack of a free lunch? If you give yourself too high a percentage of the earnings the IRS code that refers to ‘unreasonable compensation’ may cause you to discover what an audit, as well as business failure, is all about. Cash flow is the key to a successful business, and a surprisingly large amount of the incoming cash has to flow right back out again in the form of investments, advertising and expenses to keep a business on the path to growth. Not setting enough aside for this is one of the reasons so many startup companies do fail in their first two years.

Any Internet site can earn money for the owner

I hate to harp, but TANSTAAFL strikes again … if you have a website that has a lot of traffic due to unique content or placement that’s awesome, and as such it does indeed have a more then reasonable chance of earning you money – but just because you have a web site doesn’t mean business will magically come your way. Even the best created and designed site on the web if it is not promoted and linked properly is destined to fail – so don’t blow all your budget on a spiffy site when you haven’t decided what you are going to focus on selling yet!

An expert should be able to become profitable within six months

While not unheard of just having knowledge and skills doesn’t mean you will be able to turn a profit, and most small businesses due to startup costs and need to invest back into the business for future growth don’t see anything out of their company for at least two to three years … again if it sounds too good to be true!

The right business sells itself and doesn’t need a marketing or business plan to succeed
This is very common now in the post ‘dot-com’ era, but remember folks there is a reason it’s the “post” dot-com era and not the dot-com boom. There is simply no substitute for a valid business plan and understanding what is necessary to sell your product or service to the public. Anyone trying to tell you something otherwise is likely selling something he wants you to buy from him right now before you go broke and give up the idea of starting your own business! A related myth is that if you aren’t getting a loan or looking for investors you don’t really need a business plan. While business plans are necessary to get investors the purpose is not that but to ensure you understand what it will take to be successful, and that you have a linear outline for how to achieve those goals.

Every year, the government--local, state, and federal--gives away millions of dollars to people just like you for business ideas. Leon Edward shares information on government funding, Federal, State ,Local Grants , where to find start up business grants, sources, how best to fill out applications, grant management step by step tips, setting up a business steps at his website

Learn where to find money for funding starting a business, grant sources, grant programs. Our onsite free information will walk you through step by step setting up a business as research required , business types, business plan, start up costs, business liscence, taxes, funding. Grant Programs and sources include Government Grant Money as Federal grants, State grants , Local grants, Federal assistance, grants.gov and Development Offices. Learn the Business Grants Step Management and 'know how' to spend your time, proposed business clarity, know your business needs, know how to avoid sccams. Learn online step by step How To Write A Grant Application including how to write a business proposal, the summary, grant justification, project description, budge, qualification proof, outsourcing if needed.

Get A Free Legitimate Home Based Business Report , Internet Business Ideas and Free Internet Business Library with Online Business Ideas, Free Training Newsletter at Leons Home Business Website

Leon Edward Helps people to start, grow legitimate Internet Based home business income with business structure, small business legal service information, step by step guides and online business training articles, reviews, marketing blog and newsletter... with legitimate business ideas and opportunities as top BBB rated home businesses, turnkey internet business, a 3 steps to internet income business proven mlms, even a start free work at home program



Should You Be A Work At Home Super Mom? - Business Ideas

A majority of people takes a shot at work-at-home opportunities that abound everywhere. A part of the targeted demographic of this lifestyle is the stay-at-home moms. Business opportunities know that with such high cost of living, only one breadwinner in a household may not be enough. Mom also has to work.
Some people wonder how people can actually work at home where there are so many distractions. Let us just say that there are some people who could work better in their pajamas than in corporate suits.

Some moms actually have a hard time concentrating when they’re away from their children. At least, if they’re working at home, they’re more comfortable and relieved, knowing that they’re at the beck-and-call of their kids. (Of course, Mommy may be home; but Mommy is still working.)

If you are an avid watcher of “Desperate Housewives”, you know how up to her neck Lynette Scavo is with her four children. Then she goes off to work and starts missing her kids. At least, if you are a mom working at home, you will never feel that way.

There are some cases wherein home responsibilities go head-to-head with that of professional duties, e.g., a freelance writing work at home mom negotiating with editors while trimming fat off the chicken, or conducting interviews for stories while changing a diaper. Sometimes, the work-at-home mom locks herself in the bathroom so that the person she’s talking to does not hear children screaming in the background.

For most work-at-home moms, their jobs are done in the evening when everybody else is asleep. It’s all in the day’s work. This is the career they chose and they sure are dedicated to it.

We all want the best of both worlds. Count moms in. Not everyone will agree with what Katherine Hepburn said. Eventually, they will all want to do what Meryl Streep did – have a fabulous career and a nourishing family life. We, too, want it all. We want careers and we crave for the freedom to do what we want and when we want to do it. We want to be professionally responsible to our job’s tasks and at the same time, we want to be personally present for our loved ones.

Every year, the government--local, state, and federal--gives away millions of dollars to people just like you for business ideas. Leon Edward shares information on government funding, Federal, State ,Local Grants , where to find start up business grants, sources, how best to fill out applications, grant management step by step tips, setting up a business steps at his website

Learn where to find money for funding starting a business, grant sources, grant programs. Our onsite free information will walk you through step by step setting up a business as research required , business types, business plan, start up costs, business liscence, taxes, funding. Grant Programs and sources include Government Grant Money as Federal grants, State grants , Local grants, Federal assistance, grants.gov and Development Offices. Learn the Business Grants Step Management and 'know how' to spend your time, proposed business clarity, know your business needs, know how to avoid sccams. Learn online step by step How To Write A Grant Application including how to write a business proposal, the summary, grant justification, project description, budge, qualification proof, outsourcing if needed.

Get A Free Legitimate Home Based Business Report , Internet Business Ideas and Free Internet Business Library with Online Business Ideas, Free Training Newsletter at Leons Home Business Website

Leon Edward Helps people to start, grow legitimate Internet Based home business income with business structure, small business legal service information, step by step guides and online business training articles, reviews, marketing blog and newsletter... with legitimate business ideas and opportunities as top BBB rated home businesses, turnkey internet business, a 3 steps to internet income business proven mlms, even a start free work at home program